Tuesday, June 7, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 7

Day 7-Favorite movies

1.  The Holiday
2.  Star Wars
3.  Lord of the Rings
4.  Breakfast at Tiffany's
5.  Better of Dead
6.  Clue
7.  Sabrina (with Ms. Hepburn)
8.  Really anything with Audrey Hepburn
9.  A Knight's Tale
10.  Batman Begins

Monday, June 6, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 6

Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy

I love this picture! 
1. It is of my family...bug#3 is in it, you just can't see his feet because I am holding him! :)
2.  My friend Theresa took it and I love her and her photography skills.
3.  I LOVE my pink boots.  They are awesome.

30 Day Challenge-Day 5

Day 5-Your siblings

The 3 Sibs
I have 2 of the most AWESOME siblings in the world!!  My brothers are the coolest.  I love them to pieces!  I also soon will have a sister-in-law!!!  YAY!!  The middle brother, Paul, is getting married to Lori in September this year and I can't wait!!  Then I will have 3 of the most AWESOME siblings in the world! 

Paul, the Middle Child

Matt, the Baby by age, but giant by height!

The future Mr. & Mrs.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 4

Day 4-Your parents

My parents are Greg and Ann.  My dad is part hermit and LOVES to spend time alone in the woods.  My Mom is a social butterfly and turns the TV on when it is too quiet!  I love my Mom and Dad and I love that they have worked really had at their marriage.  They are sweet!

I would include a picture, but I don't really have a good one of the 2 of them and my mom is a wee bit nervous about the internet.  I will love on her by not putting her picture up.  :)

30 Day Challenge-Day 3

Day 3-Your first love


Honestly, Jesus captured my heart long before any man (there has been only one man, anyway).  It is because of Jesus that my world make sense.  Because of Jesus I have hope for the future.  Because of Jesus I have freedom.  because of Jesus I have security.  Because of Jesus I have salvation.  because of Jesus I have joy.  Jesus is my first love and my last love.  There is purpose because of Jesus.

Without Jesus, I am simply, a sinner.  With Jesus I am redeemed and a daughter to the Almighty God.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 2

Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name

Since our last name is Bontempo and we have 3 little "bugs" it seemed to fit.  One of many nicknames for my kids is bug-bug or bug-a-roo, so it just kind of works. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 1

I thought that I would start this on June 1st.  Seemed kind of fitting, new month, new challenge.  We will see how it goes...

Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts

Well, I am Katherine Bontempo (aka bontymama)
Here is a most recent picture, my friend Theresa took it.  Isn't she awesome!  :)

1. I LOVE reading
2. I have read the entire Harry Potter series more times that I care to admit (and currently reading it)
3. I really love coffee, good coffee.  yum.
4. I have recently started drinking my coffee black, crazy I know, but I am really liking it.
5. I don't like feet, please keep yours to yourself. 
6. I knew the moment I saw my husband, he was it.
7.  I have had 3 babies in just over 3 years!
8.  I have been to more places outside of the US than inside the US
9.  I love to travel.
10. I make my own baby food and think that it is great.
11. I am a recent cloth diaper-er and can't go back, man is it addicting!!!
12. My dog is from Louisiana, that's her name.  She is a Katrina pup.
13. Salty over sweet.
14. I like living healthy.
15. I play to win.