Sunday, February 20, 2011

back to the simple life

Yup, that's right!  We are heading back to the simple life.  To the days of milking your own cows, catching fireflies,  swimming in the creek, homemade pies, and County Fairs.  Okay, maybe not that simple.  I have been slowing working my way [our family's way] back to basics and simplifying life.  I make some of my own cleaners, switched to cloth diapers (which are WAY less complicated than I thought), and in general try to lessen our intake of chemicals and yucky things.  Well after doing some more research specifically in the food department I was more that blown away.  I had some serious misconceptions on how I got my food.  The movie Food Inc. is A-MAZE-ING!!  It will blow your mind and disgust least it did for me.   If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.  So watching Food Inc. and doing some other research as well as sharing Arbonne's new Arbonne Essential line with the 30 Day to Feeling Fit (more to come in another post) I have decided to go almost completely organic and focus on whole foods.  We were some what organic before, but now I don't think that I can even consider non-organic meats!  Yikes-a-roo!

I recently purchased this cookbook:  Feeding Our Families:  Bringing Back the Made-from-Scratch Family Dinners.  It is written by Katie Newell.  Katie is a  reformed junk food junkie, a healthy eating expert, motivational speaker and real food consultant.  She is the founder of, which is an awesome website.  I made 2 meals from the cookbook and they were so scrumptious!  I am really excited to make more!  Katie recently share her knowledge at a weekly training call with Arbonne, it was so wonderful.  I learned a ton!  You can download (or listen online) to her talk here.  It is available for a limited time. 

Happy cooking!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Theology from Bugs

Tonight's prayer time with Bug #1:

Me:  Okay is there anyone you want to pray for?
B1: Daddy and Grandpa T.
Me: Okay anyone else?
B1: Grammy and Grandpa.
Me:  Anyone else?
Me: (Trying to suppress a laugh) Anyone else?
B1:  Yeah, Jessie [from Toy Story]....SweetPea Beauty [from VeggieTales]....Kermit the Frog...Fozzie Bear...Rowlf the Dog [you know, the Muppets]
Me:  (Really trying to suppress a laugh) Um, okay.  Anyone else?
B1:  Oh no.  That's enough people!

I love her so much! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jesus Calling

This is from the devotional book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  It really spoke to me today.  

I am your strength and shield.  I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed.  I also provide the strength you need each step of the way.  Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about what's on the road ahead, concentrate on staying in touch with Me.  My Power flows freely into you through our open communication.  Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare. 

Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am your Shield.  But unlike inanimate armor, I am always alert and active.  My Presence watches over you continually, protecting you from both known and unknown dangers.  Entrust yourself to My watchcare, which is the best security system available. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. 

Psalm 28:7; Matthew 6:34; Psalm 56:3-4, Genesis 28:15