Thursday, October 1, 2009

Home-Made Cleaners

Making your own cleaners is such an easy way to save time and money. Basically the main things that you need are a spray bottle, a shaker (think Parmesan cheese at a pizza place), baking soda, white vinegar, and lemons. With these you are good to go. Besides it is a great way to 'go green' with out breaking the bank. Bug number 1 loves to clean with me and this is an awesome way to involve her with out wigging out about the chemicals! Here are some great websites to check out different recipes:

I love using my own cleaner. It saves money and if I run out I can just make more. I recently switched to making my own cleaners and I am still finishing up some of my old products. If you aren't too sure about making your own yet, here are a couple brands I really like.

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