Wednesday is my favorite day of the week (not included weekends). I love it for many reasons. The week is half over, but more than that. Wednesday is Bible Study day. Now typically Wednesday are a little, okay a lot, bit of rushing around. We have to wake up early, get ready and all that good stuff and get out the door by 9 am. Then we have to rush home to eat lunch. I try and plan lunch the night before, but that doesn’t always happen. But the great part is, it that for 2 hours!!! some amazing ladies take care of my kids while I get to go spend time with Jesus and other women learning about him. It is such a blessing to my week. I love taking that time to just relax and soak things in. The bible study that we are doing now is called
One in Million by Priscilla Shirer. We are just starting week 2, but I am really digging it.
This week was especially enjoyable because after bible study my girlfriend, kw and I had a picnic (kind of). We had planned to picnic at a local park, but the weather was a little bit chillier than we had bargained for and since we weren’t dressed very appropriately and neither were our bugs we decided to head into Starbucks and picnic there. Yum! My wonderful girlfriend surprised me with an early birthday present. A sandwich holder and a Carmel Macchiato! She’s the best!

One in a million Bible Study

My Sweet new Sandwich Holder
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