Phew! Life has been crazy! As I said in my
last post (I know, this one is LONG overdue), we recently moved. ugh! Moving is stinky. I am surrounded my chaos and clutter and boxes galore! Things ARE starting to settle down a bit, but not as much as I had hoped. We have 2 functioning living spaces downstairs (kitchen and living room), well two and a half if you count the office, which is barely functioning. The upstairs is coming along, except for the fact that my 3 year old stuck her finger through the bathroom sink!!! It had a rust spot on it and she pushed it and bam! through the sink went her little finger! Can you believe it?! I couldn't! So redoing the guest bath just moved up in priority (which says a lot since it was pretty high up there!)
I guess that in all this chaos and transitions I am just trying to make it through, to survive. I am not sure what I am trying to make it through too. I mean, life will always be happening and I am just trying to get to the next point as opposed to enjoying or even tolerating my phase of life right now. I guess that I had assumed my of my discontentment was related to not having a home, but I am discovering it is more a state of mind, or state of heart that I have been living in. It is funny how getting exactly what you want and have been asking for is not at ALL what you expected. Neither is what you learn from it!